Sacha Cahn was hired to build the Executive Compensation from the scratch when spinning off and listing our company to Swiss Stock Exchange. He guided the newly elected BoD through the process of designing Executive Compensation, advising on market practice, and avoiding pitfalls. His in-depth expertise, friendly yet determined mindset and high flexibility helped us to navigate successfully through a hectic and eventful year.
Annika Parkkonen, CHRO
Accelleron Industries Ltd. - 2023

"Sacha Cahn überzeugt mit seinem breiten und tiefgreifenden Verständnis der Vergütungsthemen, versteht die Herausforderungen unseres Unternehmens und liefert Qualitäts-Analysen und passende Lösungen. Seine angenehme, vertrauensvolle Art und Persönlichkeit kommt an. Es macht Spass, mit ihm zu arbeiten.”
Adrian Neuenschwander, Head HR Reward
Axpo Group

“ I appreciated the collaboration with Sacha during the course of our Executive Compensation related project that has to be conducted under tight timelines. Sacha is a credible and experienced compensation consultant. His understanding of the needs, insightful analysis and information supported us in making appropriate decisions. It is a pleasure to work with him."
Madhumita Chaudhary, Head of Corporate Compensation
Nestlé SA

“Sacha does not only deliver innovative and high-quality solutions in his areas of expertise but also acts as a sparring partner and challenges our approach when in need. He is excellent at handling complex and technical topics such as LTI valuation methodology and making them simpler. He combines his many years of expertise in executive compensation with his outstanding consulting skills. It is a pleasure, and I can highly recommend working with him.”
Mathieu Pluvinage, Group Compensation Manager
Richemont International SA

Sacha has a very pragmatic approach in solving different Compensation issues. He is a trustworthy, reliable and very responsive Compensation consultant. It was always a pleasure to work with him and achieve good results. He always seeks for solutions which have an added value for the business.
Mariela Lack, Leiterin Corporate Compensation
Sika AG

“Die Zusammenarbeit mit Sacha Cahn ist aufgrund seiner langjährigen Branchenzugehörigkeit sehr professionell. Die inhaltliche Qualität und Struktur der Management-Vergütungs-Analysen, seine Kenntnisse der Märkte, seine Koordination sowie die handfeste Kommunikation mit klaren Argumenten und lösungsorientierten Vorgehensvorschlägen war für uns während der Projekte ein Mehrgewinn.”
Reto Müller, Leiter Performance & Compensation
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